Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well You Know I Hardly Speak

Sometimes sleeping is overrated.

First off, watch Tool Academy on VH1 (yes I know, I watch too many reality shows). But really it's the funniest thing ever. Basically its like a charm school for complete and total douches. I don't really have to say much more about that. In a tribute to Tool Academy, I'm posting the Douche Off for your viewing pleasure. I'm legally changing my name to Chad.

Second, I'd like to thank God for giving me a nice sunny morning on the one day that I really couldn't care less, seeing as how I'm probably going to nap until the sun goes down. You're still my boy, though.

Can it just be the summer yet? I know I just complained about the snow, but really, it sucks. And school and stuff has me so beat already that I just want to get out of here. I really just need more sun.

Maybe I should just sleep and forget about the blogging for now.

-Ciao, Jay

Paper and Pen

So I'm now writing for the sports section in UB's newspaper "The Spectrum." I figured I'd put up my first opinion column here (assuming that it gets printed)... it's my first draft so it might undergo a few minor changes, but this is the gist of it (I haven't given it a title yet):

I never feel like I have anybody to talk basketball with anymore.

No, not college basketball, since many people are completely prepared to talk about UB, Syracuse or Duke hoops. But here in Western New York, where I’ve spent all of my nearly twenty-one years, you are more likely to hear the word ‘sunscreen’ during the winter than you are to hear the letters ‘N-B-A’.

I don’t have the official numbers for this, but I have to imagine Buffalo is one of the few cities in the U.S. where NHL fans outnumber NBA fans. I feel like every time I want to talk about how the pick-and-roll revitalized Chris Duhon’s career, I have to hear eight conversations about Derek Roy first.

I understand the fundamental reason behind the lack of interest: we don’t have a team. The Buffalo Braves left The Aud in 1978 for San Diego, who later moved to Los Angeles to become the dreadful Clippers. Nearby Rochester had the Royals until 1957, but they grew up to become the Sacramento Kings. Because of these departures, Buffalo’s most local NBA team is in Toronto, a city that has made Bills fans quite uncomfortable over the past year or so.

And in general, I understand why a person might think that college basketball is more exciting than its professional counterpart. Admittedly, college basketball crowds create an atmosphere that is far superior to the watered-down corporate crowds attending NBA matchups. It really is fun to see an entire section of students excitedly jump around in unison for an entire game.

But the game itself isn’t any more exciting. In fact, I’ll take the NBA’s style of play any day of the week. In comparison to college players, the professional elite play more fast-paced, are more athletic, and shoot for higher percentages from any given spot on the floor.

And don’t even tell me that they don’t play defense in the NBA. One of the beauties of the league is that at any point two of the league’s biggest stars, such as Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, could be locked up in a game-long battle for supremacy.

The great thing about basketball is that there is a balance between those aforementioned individual battles and teamwork. Not only do you have to be better than the guy guarding you, but you also have to help your teammate win his battle also. The amount of improvised strategy involved in a single basketball possession is astounding.

But my favorite thing about the NBA is that any moment could be a great one. At any point it only takes one man to drain a 60-foot jumper or windmill a dunk between his legs.

The league has commercials that state “NBA: Where Amazing Happens.” And it’s true, any given game can contain a little bit of something amazing.

So do yourself a favor: Just watch the games, pick a favorite team, and pray that they don’t hire Isaiah Thomas.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I've Been Trying to Get Back to the Center

There are some days that I wish I had something that I could rationally blog about. Oh well.

I'll start off with the snow. I know this is an old story for many fellow Western New Yorkers... but I'm going to break this down to its most simplistic form: Why the hell does anybody live here? Driving anywhere is a constant death trap. Every time you go outside it's like a fifteen minute preparation. Don't even get me started about scraping off your car. I actually carry two snow brushes in my car (so me and the passenger can go at the Impala like The Wonder Twins). And it's more expensive to live here too (than the South)! I know I'm another one of those people who constantly say "When I grow up I'm going to move down South"... but when I get out of school I'm freakin' moving down South!

And to make it worse is the fact that I really don't find anything remotely redeeming about snow. I don't snowboard, ski or snowmobile. I'm not a super good snowball maker (though I can chuck them pretty decently). I secretly wish that every paper snowflake that I've ever made was actually a ninja star. I don't even like making snowmen. In fact, "Frosty the Snowman" is in my bottom three least favorite Christmas songs.

Even though I know that I'm better off now, I kind of missed when I was poor. I recently received my school loan check, but for the past two weeks I was living off of like twelve bucks. I was figuring out ways not to drive to anything. I basically lived off of Easy Mac and angel hair spaghetti. I couldn't buy any drinks, had to mooch alcohol, basically only drank tap water (which I really don't have a problem with, besides that I miss out on Riptide Rush). I'd have to make decisions like "Can I afford toilet paper or should I skip out on buying shampoo for a day or two?" When I shoveled my grandmother's driveway and she gave me a twenty for my services the first song I listened to was "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. I'm probably strange for calling all of that fun.

ShamWows are massively overrated. I just thought I'd say that.

It's 1:04AM. Sounds like a good time to go food shopping. Hugs and kisses.

My Most Played Artists In the Last Week (according to Last.fm)
1. City and Colour
2. Kanye West
3. Junior Boys
4. Vampire Weekend
5. Girl Talk

Days Til My 21st Birthday Counter: 30

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Kinda Crazy Right

I'm slightly buzzed (okay maybe I'm underestimating it a little bit). Point is, this is the first time I'm writing a blog with not only absolutely no idea what I'm gonna write about, but I'm pretty sure I just shouldn't be writing period. Lets see how it turns out.

First off, Go Knicks! 18-24 is respectable for the fact that Jared Jeffries still plays almost 25 minutes a game.

Second, I love Stevie Wonder. If I had a baby with him would there be a higher risk of him being blind? That might affect my decision to have a baby with him. Probably not. As long as my baby could sing. Because God knows that I can't.

Third, I would like to apologize for something. I shaved about half of my beard off. I know a lot of people are going to be disappointed with me at this point. I was trying hard to look like Bon Iver, or at the very least Conor Oberst in a milk advertisement. At first I was like "hey I look like a lumberjack, I think I'll shave" so I started to trim away, then I accidentally lobbed off half of my moustache, so I had to go with like the extreme 5-o clock shadow look. I mean, it's still sexy, but it looks like I'll have to put my indie musical dreams on the shelf for now. I'll probably still attempt to grow a full beard for my birthday.

Fourth, "5, 6, 7, 8 I don't need your sex I'll masturbate" has to be the worst line in any song ever. Though Kanye still kills it on that song.

Fifth, I think I'll stop counting and just go to sleep. Itd probably be a good thing.

Days Til My 21st Birthday (if I counted correctly): 32

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flyer Than the Rest Of 'Em

Sometimes I swear I'm insane. But when do I ever divulge more than a single ambiguous sentence about my personal life? I shouldn't start now.

Actually I will say one thing. My beard is growing awesomely (I can't believe 'awesomely' passes spell check). I was going to shave it off like a week ago, but why should I? I don't have a job interview coming up. I rarely see my family anymore. Guys think its sexy. The females are intrigued by it. Soon enough I'm going have to become an acoustic indie artist who makes somber tales of heartbreak and confusion. Until then, I guess I'll continue to rap. Moving on...

Actually, you know what... I'm not going to move on yet. In dedication to the beard, I'm making you watch the Mantage. Okay, now I'm done.

Funniest thing ever. To me, at least. Just click it.

Honestly, I don't have a lot important to say. I've been busy the last couple days, haven't had the chance to watch TV lately, and really the only thing I could comment on is the Inauguration (which would just turn into a Jay Shayy-style Obama love fest) which has already been beaten to death by the media already. Plus it's almost 4 in the morning. I'm gonna catch some sleep.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Playin' Number Six, Show Business is My Ish

Been a couple days. Good news? I'm feeling healthier. Possibly even spry. Bad news? I just drank a raw egg. Moving on...

In other news, the Arizona Cardinals are in the Super Bowl. The Arizona Cardinals. Yeah, moving on...

The Knicks actually won a close game against Chicago today. The team actually looked slightly better than 16-24 today... they were like a solid 19-21. Yup, you guessed it, moving on...

I have three projects I'm sort of working on right now. The first is a video training montage of my roommate before his basement boxing match. The second is a video montage of my other roommate playing Halo 3. Not the actual playing part, but basically talking about other peoples' mothers over the headset. Both are guaranteed to be hilarious. The third is my rap album with Scott. The hilariousness of that doesn't even need to be mentioned. Needless to say, I'm staying busy with a bunch of stuff that will never ever matter in the grand scheme of my life.

Two new-ish-kinda rap songs that I love:
Charles Hamilton - Brooklyn Girls
Kid Cudi - Day n Nite

And somehow in normal Jay Shayy fashion (hearing a song, liking it about three weeks later, loving it two months later), "Green Light" by John Legend and Andre 3000 is my favorite song right now.

Most Played Artists in the Last Week (according to last.fm, which I've linked many times before)
1. Outkast
2. Crystal Castles
3. As Cities Burn
4. Kid Cudi
5. Common

Days until I'm 21 Counter:

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Hands, My Hands, My, uh, My

Friday baby! Am I still sick? Yes. Do I still feel like a bag of poo? Si. But it's Friday, baby! This is a new semester and I gotta get on point with my weekend game. Soundtrack to this blog belongs to Gym Class Heroes today.

Today I'm gonna talk about one of my new favorite things in the world. This is going to sound like an absurd thing to name one of my new favorite things in the world, but bear with me here. It is the ability to leave comments on people's facebook statuses. At first I was like, "do we really need the ability to give our opinions on everything?". The answer is yes, in fact, a resounding yes. Because really, there's nothing more annoying than an annoying facebook status, especially now that the News Feed shoves it in your face mere seconds after it is posted.

First off, and probably least importantly, this can be used for practical reasons. Say I put up a facebook status of "Jay is making peanut butter brownies with almonds". All you have to do is comment something like "alright I'm coming over to help you eat the brownies, you couldn't possibly eat an entire batch by yourself", and BAM, a brownie date has been made via the Internet.

The commenting function can also be used for instant feedback. I'll put something like "Jay is going to try to lose 15 pounds", and then a sensible person can comment back "oh jay you don't need to lose 15 pounds, and anyways I'm not sure that facebook is the appropriate venue to be posting this information". Or say I have a new girlfriend and I put something like "Jay really appreciates his new girl for what a kind, sweet person she is"... you can just throw back something simple and appropriate like "yeah i'd put it in her."

The last and most important part of the commenting is the ability to instantly tell somebody to shut the f' up. If I'm being all emo and I throwback to something like "Jay is Until the day I die, I'll spill my heart for you" (which doesn't even make grammatical sense whatsoever), you can say something like "how about getting a blow job? Really I think it would help." Or if I say "Jay is so depressed right now", you can give me a quick pick me up by saying "sry bud but nobody really valued your life anyways. you might as well jump off a bridge into a river of broken lightbulbs and mouse traps." Now, for anybody who puts anything you really couldn't give less of a shit about, you have the avenue to notify them about this.

It's already almost 4:30 and I still haven't put a shirt on. I need to work on this.

Stayin Good,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

and Crash, Crash, CRASH Into a Ditch. Just Playin'.

I've been really sick since Monday morning. Basically everything that could be wrong is extremely wrong right now (my brother felt like he had a pretty decent explanation for it). I'm feeling slightly better now, but not actually good. Moving on.

Let me start off by saying that I think somebody's been using my Youtube or something. Either that or Youtube just sucks at recommending things. Why do I say this? Because on the front page of Youtube there is a little section that says 'Recommended For You' and then it has like three videos under it that are supposedly recommended for the user, which is me. Well, the three videos that are recommended to me are a ten second clip of some girl's boobs bouncing (no I do not use Youtube for that!), a music video by Papa Roach (yeah, okay lol), and this video that not only completely baffles me, but makes me wonder how it could ever be recommended to anyone.

Keeping on with random things, I'm going to talk about toilet paper. This morning (okay, I woke up at about 2pm today) I noticed I was running kind of low on toilet paper. So I made a quick run out to Tops, grabbed whatever was on sale, and came back. Finally, when I got to using my my new purchase, I realized that I had bought 3-ply toilet paper. THREE PLY! I didn't even know how to feel about this. I mean, I'm all about keeping my hands clean, but I'm not really sure that the third ply was necessary. I decided to read the label on the package. It read: "Introducing New 3-Ply Quilted Northern Ultra Plush. Two layers of pillowy tissue for extra softness, and a third layer for added absorbency." I'm glad they painted such a vivid image in the minds of those making a difficult choice between their product and Charmin. I think eventually they're going to straight up come out with Ass Pillows. They just give you a full fluffy pillow to clean your ass with, and then you can wash and re-use it. Like a ShamWow. We can't do this all day.

I watched the first two episodes of the new Real World season last night. I'm fairly positive I'm not going to enjoy this one too much. And that's coming from one of the biggest heterosexual male Real World fans ever. Issues:
  1. Lack of ridiculously attractive female. It helps me get through boring episodes.
  2. Too many people in the house. There's eight people on the show this season instead of seven. There literally just isn't enough time to give adequate camera time to each person. In the second episode, the only people really shown at all were Ryan (the close-minded frat boy), Chet the Mormon (who I hate), and Baya (the borderline cute-but-gap-toothed hip-hop dancing chick).
  3. Not to say transexuals still me make sort of uncomfortable... but yeah, transexuals still sort of make me uncomfortable. I was praying they'd put on a midg.. er, little person on before a transexual. Or a basketball-playing Asian.
  4. I hate Chet the Mormon. Not because he's Mormon. Just because he's a douche.
  5. J.D (the token gay one) is completely full of himself. This will lead to numerous of my conversations with other people going like this:
Me: I hate JD. He's a prick who is waaay full of himself.
Other Person: Oh no, you just don't like him because he's gay.
Me: Actually, I just think he's a prick. I'm fine with gay people.
Other Person: I know. But I think you secretly don't like him because he's gay.
Me: Okay. I totally hate people just because they're gay.

My Top Five Most Played Artists Last Week (According to Last.fm)
1. OutKast
2. The Doors
3. Underoath
4. Crystal Castles
5. Sublime

My Top Five Most Played Songs Last Week
1. OutKast - Da Art of Storytellin' (Part One)
2. OutKast - Da Art of Storytellin' (Part Two)
3. Crystal Castles - Vanished
4. Underoath - A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black
5. Underoath - The Impact of Reason

Monday, January 12, 2009

Then I CC'd Every Girl That I'd See-See Around Town

I'm feelin' good for some reason.

This music video/song always puts me in a good mood.

So does the fact that the Airport Plaza Jewlers commercial is on youtube.

So is a Buffalo Cricket commerical!

So does a man singing puppies to sleep!

So does a dude going through his fridge Cribs-style.

Really I'm just happy to be back to my apartment. I have my own room, my own bathroom, I have a washing machine and dryer right next to my room (not a big fan of being woken up by my neighbor's thumping bass at 11 in the morning, though). It's funny how the simplest things can be so excellent. Plus the Internet actually works here, which means I can watch as many NBA games online as I want again.

By the way, so glad that I don't bet on football. I would've been 0-4. It's literally been the most inexplicable NFL Playoffs I've ever seen. The Cardinals or the Eagles are going to the Super Bowl. I can't get over this.

Still working on my 'Best of 2008' list, it'll be released later this week I think.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Turn the Beat Up On Repeat and We Can Start to Dance

I moved back into my apartment yesterday. Fun stuff.

Figured I'd promote some diversity..

eMC - Leak It Out
T-Pain - Therapy
Voxtrot - Kid Gloves
Black Milk - Try
The Kooks - Sway
Rick Blaze - Jolly My Baby
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
Cory Gunz - Mr. Fresh
The Knife - Heartbeats

About to watch some NFL PLAYOFF FOOTBALL. I'll make a less futile attempt at a blog post later.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I Was Just a Young White Boy

Went to Emergency this morning. Guess it wasn't that serious.

I'm going back to Buffalo tomorrow. It's bittersweet, but pretty 'sweet' for the most part (kind of like 'Fatboy' is clearly the superior part of Fatboy Slim). The timing has been pretty good. I needed a break, and now for the most part I clearly need a break from the break.

Top Five Reasons I Need a Break from the Break
1. I watched the entire 2007 WWE Royal Rumble on youtube yesterday. I have not watched wrestling in about nine years.
2. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to invent my own original Ponzi Scheme... to no avail :(
3. I've been using a small table tray as a desk for the past three weeks. It's just not comfortable at all.
4. I recently spent twelve minutes questioning my own masculinity because "Clark Gable" is my favorite song by The Postal Service.
5. I know every word of roughly six songs from T-Pain's new album.

Keeping things going in a positive direction, let me enlighten you with the worst song ever (credit to my brother on this one)(NOTE: I just want to clarify that he didn't actually enjoy this song, he found it as hilarious/disturbing as I did). This is a note to everyone with a pulse: DO NOT LET MUSIC GO IN THIS DIRECTION!

It's bad enough that I'm going to let it go in this direction (and I may use this for the titles of my next fourteen blog entries)

More excitement to come in the upcoming days.

Just a young brown boy,
This Guy

Monday, January 5, 2009

It Has Never Once Chosen Me? Maybe You're Right

Last night I partook in a plan to kidnap one of my best friends. It was unsuccessful (his womanlike reactions somehow led to him pushing the panic button on his car). Moving on.

My Knicks beat the World Champion Unbeatable Awesome Ridiculous Only Going to Lose Four Games This Season Celtics last night. Just gloating a little.

Wow, I really don't have a whole lot to say right now.

I'll go with this: Third-Hand Smoke. That's right, apparently smelling like smoke is also harmful. Smokers are endangering their children just by wearing clothes while they smoke. And that lingering stale smell that stays in your hair or bathrobe... it kills babies. It says it right there in the article.

You know what else is harmful? The fucking sun.

Most Played Artists of the Week (according to last.fm)
1. Hot Chip
2. Crystal Castles
3. T-Pain
4. Vampire Weekend
5. City and Colour

Most Played Songs of the Week
1. "Keep Fallin" Hot Chip
2. "Therapy" T-Pain feat. Kanye West
3. "Alice Practice" Crystal Castles
4. "M79" Vampire Weekend
5. "Shining Escalade" Hot Chip

P.S. Somebody please tell me they saw the Sugar Bowl (Texas - Ohio St) today. #77 for Texas had the sickest mullet I've seen in like a year!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

One Night to Be Confused

Sometimes life makes my head hurt. Even on a day that I pretty much spent switching between laying on the couch and laying in my bed every hour. I should feel safe on a day like that.

I'd like to start out with a couple things.

First off, on a kickoff with about 20 seconds left in the half in the Arizona-Atlanta NFL PLAYOFF GAME, I heard the unthinkable. University of Phoenix Stadium (home of the Arizona Cardinals, who needed a swimming supplies store to buy out the remaining tickets for an NFL PLAYOFF GAME so that there wouldn't be a local blackout) was playing "Leavin'" by Jesse McCartney not only before the kickoff... but during the play! The tackle was almost made before the song was turned off. AN NFL PLAYOFF GAME! I move on.

Charles Barkley has always been controversial. He's punched fans in the face, gambled away tens of millions of dollars, has been seen chugging bottles of Patron, criticized just about every person to have ever played a sport, criticized his alma mater for not hiring my boy Turner Gill, among like a million other things. Now he got caught with maybe the most mentally-devoid DUI arrest in history. Basically, he got pulled over by the cops for a suspected of DUI. Pretty standard, until you hear the rest of the story. These are the various rumors that have been attached to this incident (most of these coming from deadspin.com and Awful Announcing, wonderful sites, google them):
  • he refused to take a breathalyzer test, but got blood tests taken that will probably prove him to be guilty anyways
  • he told the cop that he was driving fast (and running a stop light) because... well lets ask the officer who wrote his report (from The Smoking Gun): "He asked me, 'You want the truth?' When I told him I did he said, 'I was gonna drive around the corner and get a blow job. He then explained that she had given him a 'blow job' one week earlier and said it was the best one he had ever had in his life." Well then.
  • they found a loaded gun in his vehicle, which they immediately seized
  • they also found a box of bear claw donuts. Go figure.
  • reports say that he spent that night (before the incident) partying in a V.I.P. lounge with Michael Strahan and Jaleel White... yes, the guy who played Steve freakin' Urkel!
Somebody give me Charles Barkley's number... that sounds like a night and a half! Hell, give me Urkel's!

Needless to say, at this moment, Barkley is still working for TNT Basketball's pre-game show. Barkley can choose any of his normal excuses: the race card, the "I warned you I'm not perfect" card, the "I don't get paid to be a role model" card, or the "I can do it as long as I can afford it" card.

Anyways, an awesome NFL PLAYOFF GAME is on right now, so I think I'm gonna watch it.


Don't You Ever Wonder How the Hell Does Stevie Wonder See Things?

I always feel like January 1st is a bad day to make resolutions for your betterment. So is December 31st. Why?

Because you're freakin' wasted.

Anyways, I decided to wait until the champagne and strange Russian vodka I've never heard of slowly filters out of my system. I even gave myself two days, because apparently my brain needed it. And water. I digress.

Jay's January 3rd New Year's Resolut..

Actually hold on. First let me establish some ground rules for this.

A) I always make a handful of resolutions so I can at least hit one. I'm only aiming for about 30% completion here. But to put it into perspective, Juan Gonzalez only hit .295 for his career, and he won two MVP awards.

Wow, totally irrelevant.

B) Some of these are meant to be very serious; others are supposed to hover in the stratosphere of humor, but are still completely and totally serious.

C) I repeat, I was not drunk when I made this.

D) BTdubs, I'm not sure if you misread the title... but I feel like I need to clear this up. I love Stevie Wonder. I wish he was my father, even if that made me more prone to blindness (I know it wouldn't, but I'm creating an extreme hypothetical here). It's a lyric from a song, and for whatever reason it didn't take shrooms to connect it to this blog post.

E) Official background music: "Good Love" by Sheek Louch. It was the background music in my head for about half of 2008.

Here we go.

Jay's (January 3rd) New Year's Resolutions:

  • Stop having to use my back injury as an excuse for just about everything I do. (NOTE: This does not mean that I'm being a bitch about my injury. It really does hurt. I'm just saying I'm finally going to get it fixed, somehow)
  • Grow a ridiculously solid mustache. I think I can do it. (NOTE: Spell check is saying that I can't spell the word "moustache". I'm positive you can spell it that way. So you know what? F' it, I will. Moustache. It just looks more chic.)
  • Have at least ten different people tell me that they heard a music artist/song from me, not the radio (NOTE: This one is kind of a gimme, I'll admit it. I average at least ten assists a year.)
  • Go on some sort of freakin' vacation
  • Do at least an hour of community service that isn't attached to an arrest or violation. (NOTE: This sounds ridiculous if you're a good person. And if you're a bad person. For completely different reasons.)
  • Stay in touch with all of my close friends.
  • Keep going with the blog and continue to make it awesome. And maybe even gain a few new visitors.
  • Finally finish my debut rap album with Scott. (NOTE: This is an absolute must.)
  • Keep working out and staying healthy.
  • Meet anybody on my people I must meet list. The current list stands as: Stevie Wonder, Clint Eastwood, Common, Delonte West, Barack Obama, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington, Megan Fox, Bill Clinton, Forrest Griffin, David Beckham, Wilfred Brimley. Or I'd be satisfied with being on a slap-up-to-half-hug relationship with Turner Gill or J.P. Losman.
  • Stop breaking into a really bad version of the robot every time I dance alone (NOTE: Learning how to Robot would suffice.)
  • Make official decisions on the following Manlemmas: chest shaving, tanning, listening to Paramore (and Amy Winehouse and John Mayer and Mariah Carey), using smileys in texts/IMs, preferring Franzia boxed wine to Labatt Blue.
  • Develop a decent falsetto singing voice. So I can serenade the ladies without embarassing myself.
  • Take chances, baby. It's what life's about.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Musical Shaystistics

This isn't really meant to be a creative blog post, just an overall reflection on my 2008. This is kind of for my own personal use, but certainly feel free to listen to anything posted below (since I listen to it, it's gotta be good). Anyways, these were my music listening statistics from the last year taken straight from my last.fm profile.

Jay's 25 Most Listened to Artists in 2008 (in order):
1. Thrice
2. City and Colour
3. Kanye West
4. Clipse
5. Jose Gonzalez
6. Alexisonfire
7. Lil Wayne
8. Blu & Exile
9. Kidz in the Hall
10. The Beatles
11. Arctic Monkeys
12. A Tribe Called Quest
13. Stevie Wonder
14. Nas
15. Lupe Fiasco
16. A Hero From A Thousand Paces
17. Good Shoes
18. Closure in Moscow
19. Freeway
20. The Pack
21. Saosin
22. Jay-Z
23. The Kooks
24. Atmosphere
25. Jah Cure

A nice healthy mix of artists. No surprise with Thrice in first, not to mention some acoustic solo artists (City and Colour and Jose), British representation (Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, Good Shoes, The freakin Beatles), a whole bunch of rappers, a blind guy, and a reggae artist who spent 7 years in prison. I'm an equal opportunist, what can I say.

And just for fun, lets do a song list:

Jay's Most Listened to Songs of 2008
1. Thrice - In Years to Come
2. Blu & Exile - In Remembrance of Me
3. Blu & Exile - Blu Colla Workers
3. Hot Chip - We're Looking For a Lot Of Love
5. City and Colour - Like Knives
6. Blu & Exile - Dancing in the Rain
7. A Hero From a Thousand Paces - The Aftermath
7. City and Colour - Forgive Me
9. Saosin - Seven Years
9. Jose Gonzalez - Crosses
11. Alexisonfire - Adelleda
11. City and Colour - Sleeping Sickness
13. Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats
14. Alexisonfire - Counterparts and Number Them
14. Closure in Moscow - Dulcinea
16. Lil Wayne - Comfortable
17. M.I.A. - Paper Planes
18. Thrice - The Red Death
18. Thrice - A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
18. Kidz in the Hall - Let Your Hair Down
18. Alexisonfire - 44. Caliber Love Letter
18. Thrice - Where Idols Once Stood

My Best of 2008 List is coming soon, look for it in the upcoming days. Oh, and maybe I'll start actually writing eventually. Crazier stuff has happened. Like anything that ever comes out of Delonte West's mouth.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Have a wonderful new year everyone!

I'll be back to make some sort of awesome blog entry tomorrow/very soon.