Monday, March 16, 2009

I Know It's Not the Song... And I Know It's Not the Drink

Yeah, it's been a while. I can't even say it like I'm busy. I really wasn't. I had a ton of time to blog. And I didn't. I should probably change the name of the blog to "Jay's Semi-Weekly Blogging Wonderland".

The snow has melted! I hope it stays away forever. I'm infinitely more jovial when the sun is out. Clearly why I'm moving to Los Angeles. Just to recount... shit I hate list...

Official Stuff I Hate Top 10:
1. Snow (the precipitation, not the 90's-era Canadian rapper)
2. Heights
3. Elevators
4. Brett Favre
5. Mayonnaise
6. Pickles
7. Waking up from sleeping when it's dark out
8. Gin (both the drink and the card game)
9. Rihanna's dyke haircut
10. Faulty vending machines

I've been going on a music rampage lately. Buy (okay download) The-Dream's new album Love vs. Money. Every song is a club banger. So far, "Walkin on the Moon" is my radio single of the year (I'm not exactly sure if it's on the radio yet, I haven't been listening, but it damn well should be). Sickest beat I've heard in a while. Plenty of other hot tracks on it too.

And listen to my boy Drake. He's gonna get huge soon. And then I can say that I told you about him.

Top Five Most Listened to of the Week:
1. The-Dream
2. Drake
3. Lil Wayne
4. Crystal Castles
5. Aphex Twin

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